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Vestil HDC-900-GPT Portable Drum Crusher

The high-cycle design makes this steel drum crusher able to run continuously without the need for a cooling off period. This industrial drum crusher reduces 55-gallon ribbed drums to an approximate crushed height of 6" (do not attempt to crush smooth-walled drums with this crusher). The Vestil HDC-900-GPT portable drum crusher conforms to OSHA ...

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Drum Crusher DC6000-11HP Gasoline Heavy Duty

The Portable Drum Crusher Model DC6000-11 Gasoline Engine is a heavy duty drum crusher mounted in a trailer. It is for use in multiple or remote locations where the electrical supply is limited or unavailable. This system will crush a 55 gallon drum down to less than 2.5 inches in height, greatly reducing storage space requirements and transport fees.

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Portable Drum Washer Crusher Model TRC-8000

The Portable Drum Washer Crusher model TRC-8000 is capable of washing and crushing 55 gallon steel drums in multiple or remote locations where the electrical supply is limited or unavailable.

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D r u m C r u s h e r D C 5 0 0 0

The Drum Crusher Model DC5000-5 will crush a 55 gallon drum down to less than 2.5" in height, greatly reducing storage spac e. ... 3" depending on the gauge steel of the drum. Commercial drum crushers are the most standard drum crushers in the market. All drum.

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DPC85 Model Drum Crusher – TeeMark Manufacturing, Inc.

Crusher – SDS. Spec Sheet DPC 85. The DPC 85 compacts material inside drums and crushes the drum. This machine will crush drums up to 110-gallon capacity. Hazardous or other waste can be compacted inside of 85 & 55-gallon steel or fiber drums for disposal or incineration. Steel drums are crushed to 2-5 inches in just seconds.

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Drum Washer Crushers

Drum Washer Crushers - Industrial Drum Cleaning Our Drum Washer Crushers systems will wash & crush a 55 gallon steel drums down to 2.5" in height in the same chamber, greatly reducing storage space requirements and transport fees.

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Steel Drum Crusher, 55 Gallon Drum Crusher Baler

55 gallon steel drums are popular in packaging. Steel drum crusher baler machine is the ideal size reduction solution for waste drums in transportation. Go!

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WastePac 205L Drum Crusher | Waste Initiatives

WastePac Drum Crusher. Waste Initiatives Drum Crushers are robustly built units with great functionality – ensuring fast & easy crushing of your steel drums. Drum Crushers are suitable for sizes up to 205L, and are equipped with drum piercing spikes and a 30L oil retention tank to capture any residue.

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Drum Crusher DC5000-10HP Electric Heavy Duty

The Drum Crusher Model DC5000-10 is designed to crush a 55-gallon drum down to less than 2.5" in height, significantly reducing storage space requirements and transport fees. …

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What is a Drum Crusher?

Drum Crushers are designed specifically to crush empty steel and fiber drums into 5" high drum pancakes.

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Drum Crushers & Compactors

Drum crushers and compactors flatten damaged or contaminated drums to make disposal more manageable. Also known as barrel compactors, they consist of a chamber where drums are secured and a hydraulic-powered press that …

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Drum Crusher

Made from 7/8" thick rolled steel plate; Drum Sizes to be crushed: 30 gallon drum; 55 gallon drum; Platen Spike: Steel spike on platen to pierce sealed drum before crushing; Safety Door Interlock: Stops crusher if door is opened; No Electrical: No electricals on drum crusher body to spark or create explosion; Remote Hydraulic Power Unit:

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Beacon World Class

The Hydraulic Drum Crusher - Portable Drum Compactor is a mobile unit designed to tow with a truck to crush drums outside. Unit has a power tilt feature to reduce worker strain as well as a built-in trailer, complete with brake and tail lights for safety.

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Drum Crusher (205 litre)

Optional accessories for the Drum Crusher might help optimise waste operations. Such additions include an adapter head to compress inside 205-litre steel drums, a galvanised finish, an insert for crushing oil …

اقرأ المزيد

Drum Crushers | McMaster-Carr

Choose from our selection of drum crushers, including drum crusher/compactors, compactors, and more. In stock and ready to ship.

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Vestil, 460v Steel hydraulic drum crusher and compactor, …

The Hydraulic drum crusher/compactor crushes steel drums and resets automatically to crush another drum. The included drum compacting feature allow

اقرأ المزيد

Vestil, 460v Steel hydraulic drum crusher and compactor, …

The Hydraulic drum crusher/compactor crushes steel drums and resets automatically to crush another drum. The included drum compacting feature allow.

اقرأ المزيد

Drum Crushers | Waste Initiatives

What is a drum crusher? Drum crushers, or barrel compactors, are strong machines built to crush hollow metal cylinders or drums. Smaller models crush tins, drums and cans. Larger models can compact tall 200L steel drums and oil filters. What are the benefits of a drum crusher?

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Drum Washer/Crusher (DWC-Series)

Drum Washer/Crusher. SRS Engineering's drum washer/crusher system (DWC-Series) is designed for applications that require washing of the drums prior to crushing the drums for disposal. Instead of a separate drum washer and a separate compactor, the drum washer/crusher accomplishes both the jobs in one unit – thus saving time and money.

اقرأ المزيد

Drum Crusher Model DC7000-10D Diesel

The Drum Crusher Model DC7000-10D Diesel is a super heavy duty drum crusher system. It is used to crush a large volume of drums continuously. The DC7000-10D Diesel has all the options in a drum crusher that you will need or find.

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Waste Drum Disposal and Industrial Drum Cleaning

Waste Drum Disposal and Industrial Drum Cleaning. We are the world leader in the design and engineering of the most advanced drum recycling and industrial drum cleaning systems. We provide the largest selection of commercial and industrial drum crushers, drum washers and drum washer crusher systems to meet any special project …

اقرأ المزيد

Drum Crushers

The SL 55 Drum Crusher has been carefully engineered for rugged industrial service and durability at a reasonable price. It crushes 55 gallon steel drums to 4-6 inches in 35 seconds!

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Drum Crushers Manufactured in the USA by Benko Products, …

Save space by crushing empty steel drums or compacting dry waste into 55 gallon drums. This drum crusher and in-drum compactor crushes drums into easily …

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Mobile Gasoline Powered Drum Crusher (HDC-900)

Mobile Gasoline Powered Drum C... Take the Drum Crusher to where the drums are! Full cycle time is 25 seconds, crush and retract. Save time and trips by transporting drums that are already crushed.

اقرأ المزيد

Vestil HDC-905-HC High Cycle Drum Crusher / Drum …

The HDC-905-HC high cycle drum crusher is designed to run continuously without the need for a cooling off period. 460V/3 Phase, 230V/3 Phase, & 208V/3 Phase motors …

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Drum Crushers, Steel Drum Balers | Industrial …

International Baler's specialty balers include steel drum balers, also known as drum crushers - designed to crush standard 55 gallon steel drums.

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Drum Crushers | High Compaction Force | Safe & Easy To …

Moovmor's range of steel drum crushers are capable of crushing standard 205L steel drums one at a time or four at a time, in a safe and efficient manner and to a height of 100-150mm.

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The new HD205 drum crushers are offered for sale ex stock UK and are p owered by an 11Kw electric drive motor and come with 12 months parts warranty. Our steel drum-crushers will reduce 45 gallon /205 litre barrels at a rate of 6 – 8 into 1. By simply fattening empty unwanted cans and drums allows reducing storage space and lessens transport ...

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In-Drum Compactors & Drum Crushers

Reduce your storage, shipping and disopsal costs with our in-drum compactors.

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Drum Crushers

We are the leading global manufacturer of drum crushers and barrel compactors, efficiently reducing empty 55-gallon steel drums to 2.5 inches. Our lineup includes …

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