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Minerals and Migrants: How the Mining Industry Has …

mines, emerged as the Union of South Africa. Gold mining, as the economic historians have long pointed out, powered South Africa's industrial revolution and domi nated its economy for a century. Whether in terms of export earnings, employment of labor, stimulation of a wide range of economic activity from coal mining to agricultural production,

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Gold Mining in South Africa

The original gold discovery touched off a period of tre- mendous industrial development along some seventy miles of the Witwatersrand (the "Ridge of White Waters"). Here …

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Find out more about gold and diamond mining in South Africa …

In the late nineteenth century, Europeans were attracted to Africa: (i)Due to its vast resources of land and minerals. (ii)Europeans came to Africa hoping to establish plantations and mines to produce crops and minerals for export to Europe. (iii) Employers used many methods to recruit and retain labour.

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Cornish Miners and the Witwatersrand Gold Mines in …

Cornish Miners and the Witwatersrand Gold Mines in South Africa, c. 1890-1904 ... last third of the nineteenth century. The first was the discovery of diamonds at Kimberley in

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(PDF) Indigenous Gold Mining in Southern Africa: A …

The history of gold mining and gold trade in southern Africa goes back nearly 1000 years. Given the number of early gold mines and the records of lively trade on the east coast, the scale of ...

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19th Century AFRICA: Time TRAVEL & HISTORY

Embark on a HISTORIC adventure with Africa in the 19th Century: A Journey Through Time and History 🌍 . ... diamonds, gold, and ivory. This led to the establishment of mining operations and plantations, often at the expense of African laborers who endured harsh working conditions. Border Disputes: ... including regions such as South Africa ...

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The Development of the South African Gold-Mining …

The discovery in i886 of the Witwatersrand gold fields in the South African Republic was arguably the most important of all of these famous nineteenth-century discoveries. The gold mines of South Africa have supplied an increas-ingly large proportion of the world's newly mined gold. As early as the

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History of mining in South Africa

A Long and Complex History: Mining in South Africa. The first mine constructed in what is now South Africa began operations in 1852, a copper project that would form the cornerstone of the town of Springbokfontein, today Springbok, in the Northern Cape province.

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A history of mining in South Africa (ZA)

Mining in South Africa has been a contentious issue since 15-year-old Erasmus Stephanus Jacobs discovered South Africa's first diamond, the Eureka, in Hopetown in 1867.

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A Most Modern Industry: The Migrant Labour System and …

This chapter outlines the basic features of gold mining in South Africa. The structure, administration and economic significance of the mines, the key technical challenges posed by deep deposits and low-grade ore, the size and composition of the workforce, the...

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Digging deep : a history of mining in South Africa, 1852-2002

It was the discovery and exploitation of, first, diamonds in 1870 and then gold in 1886 that proved to be the catalyst to the greatest mineral revolution the world has ever known, …

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Diamonds and Migrant Labour in South Africa, 1869-1910

The 'pass laws' and migrant labour of apartheid in South Africa today have their origins in the policies designed to control the black workers in the diamond mines a century ago.

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The Gold Trade of Ancient & Medieval West Africa

In addition, other kingdoms arose to compete with the Songhai for a share of the gold trade, especially to the west the Bornu Empire (1396-1893 CE) near Lake Chad, Hausaland (c. 1400 - c. 1800 CE) between the Niger River and Lake Chad, and, in the south, the Kingdom of Benin (13-19th century CE) in modern-day Nigeria.

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Gold Rush SECRETS: 19th-Century South Africa MINES

The discovery of gold in the late 19th century, specifically in the Witwatersrand Basin, sparked a massive influx of people from all over the world to South Africa. This led to the …

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Minerals and Mining in South Africa | SpringerLink

The mineral wealth of South Africa has been exploited by Homo sapiens for at least 40,000 years and has provided many and varied commodities including gold, platinum and diamonds. This chapter provides a historical perspective on minerals and mining mainly in South Africa, although it does occasionally stray across the borders …

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Arrival of Chinese labourers in South Africa

A labour shortage at the gold mines on the Rand resulted in the importation of Chinese labour in 1904. This situation, in part, was the result of the Anglo-Boer War (South African War) of 1899-1902, that had displaced large numbers of the indigenous population.

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South Africa

South Africa - Colonial Economy, Resources, Trade: From 1770 to 1870 the region became more fully integrated into the world capitalist economy. ... Gold mining; The road to war; The South African War (1899–1902) Reconstruction, union, and segregation (1902–29) ... who were persuaded by missionaries in the early 19th century to change …

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Exceptional Space: Concentration Camps and Labor …

Exceptional Space: Concentration Camps and Labor Compounds in Late Nineteenth-Century South Africa ... or to join compound systems in the gold mines on the Witwatersrand (Kessler 1999). The Birth of the Closed Compound on the Diamond Fields Circa 1886

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Southern Africa

At the beginning of the 20th century by far the strongest demand for labour came from the gold mines of South Africa. With the creation of the Union of South Africa there was for the first time a state strong enough to ensure the effective implementation of the laws and labour policies that had developed in Kimberley and on the Witwatersrand …

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The Origins of Forced Labor in the Witwatersrand

THE ORIGINS OF the forced labor system in the Witwatersrand, South Africa, can be traced back to the opening up of intensive gold mining in this region during the 1880s. For almost a century since then, forced labor in the mining industries of the Witwatersrand has characterized the South African economy.

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Colonial Mining: A Global Historical Context

Colonial Mining: A Global Historical Context One of the primary elements in colonial enterprise and a factor in the movement of colonial frontiers in Australia (and elsewhere including South Africa, Canada and the USA) was mining. In nineteenth century Australia, this was dramatically realised through a gold rush epoch.

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(PDF) From Diamonds to Gold The Making of the …

The growth of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is woven interchangeably with that of Witwatersrand's gold industry. This article investigates why and how the Exchange …

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Gold in South Africa: Lessons from the Apartheid Era

Even with the resource nationalism that has become such a feature of gold mining in the twenty-first century in Africa, the taxes on gold in South Africa were heavy and the government was simply viewed as an effective partner in the mining industry.

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Gold, Finance and Imperialism in South Africa, 1887–1902

Filling an important gap in literature on nineteenth-century British imperialism and Anglo-African-Afrikaner relations, this insightful book uses the JSE as a lens to carefully expose the structures and agency of global finance in the outbreak of the South African War, and the making of South Africa as a unified colonial state.

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South Africa

South Africa - Economy, Mining, Manufacturing: The economy of South Africa was revolutionized in the late 19th century when diamonds and gold were discovered there. Extensive investment from foreign capital followed.

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Digging deep : a history of mining in South Africa, 1852-2002

Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 504-515) and index. Summary" Before the advent of its great mineral revolution in the latter half of the nineteenth century, South Africa was a sleepy colonial backwater whose unpromising landscape was seemingly devoid of any economic potential.

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Grade 8

Focus: Changing balance of power in South Africa brought about by gold mining, and the foundations of racial segregation. Content and topics: ... Zeleza, T., (1997), "A Modern Economic History of South Africa: The Nineteenth Century" (East African Educational Publishers)

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Roots of Apartheid: South Africa's Mining Industry

Although some mining had taken place in what is now South Africa centuries before Europeans arrived, 1 the modern mining industry emerged as the major shaper of South Africa's economy and race relations in the latter half of the 19 th century. Important diamond deposits were discovered at Kimberley in 1869. Gold was

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Ecologies of Gold: Mining Landscapes of Johannesburg

In 2001, the Gold Reef City developers built a casino and, as a condition of the casino license, an adjacent Apartheid Museum, which is now the pre-eminent museum documenting 20th-century South Africa history. [Photo by Andrew Watkins] Mining operations in South Africa involve a series of complicated land-right relationships.

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Shaft sinking from 1900 to 1940: Start of the modern era

Late in the 19th century, gold had been discovered in the Johannesburg area of South Africa, and from 1910 to 1948, 341 rectangular, 41 circular and seven elliptical shafts were sunk. The introduction of compressed air and electrical power into mines at the beginning of the 20th century had a great impact on shaft sinking practices.

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